147 new homes, £44m million GDV, on an Aldi site in Havering.

Study: Aldi supermarket.

We explored the potential housing capacity of a an Aldi site in East London. The site has no heritage or flood constraints, and faces a large open space to the south. Surrounding buildings range from two to six stories. First we test a lower density layout with blocks of three to four stories, yielding 108 homes. We then added a couple of extra stories and a few extra blocks to get this up to 147 new homes. We expect a £44 million GDV against a £27 million build cost.


0:00 Today we're going to be looking at an Aldi site in east London by the A12, which apparently is going to be closing down. 0:07 This is the address here. It's 9 Marlborough Road. And you can see the big kind of footprint here. This is probably it. 0:15 This is the A12. Just quickly check to see what things look like on satellite. So interestingly, you can see here we've got to the south lots of kind of open space and it's right by the A12. 0:26 Kind of what looks like kind of a residential just north of that site. But it would be interesting to see if we have any kind of conservation areas or listed buildings or particularly if it's in a flood zone. 0:37 Because it might well be that, let me just move this to the side here, might well be that the the site is in a flood zone. 0:44 So no conservation areas, no listed buildings, flood zone, nothing. Okay, good stuff. So it's pretty straight forward in terms of constraints. 0:51 I want to quickly check kind of the heights of buildings in and around the area just to see what we're looking at here. 0:56 So it seems like it's all pretty consistent between four to six storeys and nothing, nothing particularly kind of high. I don't want to go much higher than six storeys, maybe we can push something. 1:08 I don't really want to push anything to seven storeys because then we'd have to add the second core and increase cost. 1:13 So let's just stick to, to, to six storeys for now. Check the, I'm going to quickly check the, the site boundary. 1:21 This, this is a site here. Okay, pretty straightforward. It's quite a decent sized site, kind of with lots of kind of park frontage, mostly kind of east-west orientation. 1:30 I think what we'd be doing here, let's look at some very efficient floor plates, right? With nine units per core maybe, that double loaded. 1:37 Units and let's, let's start here with say four stories, right? Just to be on the conservative side. And let's put the buildings kind of north-south so we don't have any north-facing single aspect units. 1:48 Put a few of the same, same buildings here. And I'm keeping the, the, sales values as pre-populated and the build costs about £3,000 per square meter which feels reasonable for a site like this. 2:00 I mean obviously we don't know if there's any contamination and we'll only find these things later. But there you go, about 108 homes with kind of three four-story blocks. 2:09 There's a lot of space here. It feels like we should put something along here. I wonder if we can put maybe something slightly different maybe a kind of single-loaded kind of d*** access type of block, kind of something a bit smaller, let's say something about three stories, four stories. 2:26 Three units per core, something along here. We could even, I mean if we start pushing this, let's see if we can, so I'll give this 112 homes. 2:36 I wonder if we can put another one of these in here as well. It's getting a little bit tight but, but I mean these are 112 homes. 2:41 100% dual aspect units, their d*** access. They also kind of shield us a little bit from any noise in the A-12 and we put the d*** to the south to help us with that. 2:50 And you can see we've got now 124 homes, so this is starting to look like a substantial kind of housing development site. 2:57 Each other I'm going to just space them out a little bit more just to make sure that we don't have any issues around privacy. 3:03 But again, they're north-south so they're going to be great flats with a big park to the south. I'm going to increase the height of this one here to say something like 6 stories. 3:13 Won't do much above. Because we don't want to have to start putting second stairs and bring this one to maybe 5 and we'll keep this one at 4 so it kind of gradually drops off. 3:23 And you can see, so all of a sudden there we have 147 homes. We've got a GDV of 44. 44 million pounds and a build cost of 26, nearly 27 million pounds. 3:37 A population yield of 251 units, sorry 251 people, but a child yield of 53 children, right, so because of the mix, the current mix that we're looking at here we include we've included a few kind of three beds, ah, so we've got a child yield of 53, but we've got about 3800 square meters left on the site 3:53 of open space, so we can use some of that for children's play space depending on what the planners need, and more than half of the units here are dual aspect, this is Thanks for watching. 4:02 Be helped by these two kind of ah, d*** access blocks that we've put here. An upper limit of 116 parking spaces based on local authority requirements and the sale of 1.3 million which is useful to see. 4:15 I mean generally speaking this looks like a very good housing site ah, right beside a park ah, and an extra, an extra, an extra 147 new homes for London.Test your first layout

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