Stations near the green belt: Bexley Station
Today we looked at how many homes we could fit on the site of Bexley Station, a car park in a conservation area but incredibly well served by public transport.
Our sketch showed how we could fit around 235 homes in a mix of 10 and 5-story buildings, providing Gross Development Value (GDV) of approximately £55 million, with a build cost estimated at £32 million.
This would generate a population yield of 350 people, including 35 children, but also leave 8,000 square metres of open space for door-step amenities like play areas.
Automatic Transcript:
0:00 So, on the theme of tube stations near the green belt and the potential for development around them, we're going to have a look at the Bexley station where there's a large linear car park following the train line you can see it here which could probably do with a lot of development.
0:19 A quick look to check any conservation areas. Okay, so it's within a conservation area, listed buildings, couple of listed buildings up to the north, flood zone it's not in a flood zone, it's beside flood zone two, flood zone three again beside that.
0:34 And it looks to me like buildings are mostly around kind of two to three stories in height. And let's have a look here. 0:43 Oops. Yeah, about two to three stories in height. Mm-hmm So again, what you do with it with a large car park beside the station, very accessible is in the conservation area, but then again I mean, we do need the housing.
1:00 So I'm gonna quickly draw the site here to get a rough idea. You know, of, of the size and the density that we can, we can build that.
1:09 I'll do something like this. Again, this is just very rough. And we can, and we can start putting buildings on here, right?
1:16 So we can start seeing what we could actually fit. And I'm going to dismiss the fact Thank you for watching. As a conservation area because maybe, maybe does a car park is at, is that in keeping with it with the conservation area?
1:29 And let's start putting some buildings which are kind of a bit taller. Let's put them 10 story buildings here. To see how many homes we could actually get.
1:37 We put one there. Let's put one here as well. And here we're looking at kind of kind of sit relatively low sales values of about kind of 340,000 for a two bed unit.
1:52 We can easily . . . Easily fit two of these here. Already we have 180 homes. We might want to put something kind of with a slightly smaller footprint next to that.
2:01 Maybe let's say seven seven units per core around here. So you can still kind of get some access, maybe a bit less.
2:09 And that as well. Here are five units per core and we can probably put a couple of them along the railway line. 2:15 And these are all kind of 10 stories but maybe we can kind of drop the height a little bit from here.
2:20 10 to maybe five stories this one as well. Good, down to five. Bye. 10 stories means that the net to gross ratios are much better because we don't need the second stairs.
2:30 Five stories there as well. And we can probably put a number of these, these five story blocks. They're very similar to like, to, to mention blocks in essence and they're all kind of running perpendicular.
2:40 Thank you. To the train line and maybe that's that's probably about it. So 235 homes. So assuming kind of sales values of around 350 for a two bed unit.
2:52 180 for for studios. We could get a GDP of about 55 million. A build cost of. 32 million pounds population yield of 350 people.
3:04 So we could home kind of quite easily 350 people here with about 35 children. Still a lot of open space on the site.
3:11 Relatively low density of 226. That means per hectare, given the fact that this is right beside the station. And about 7,000, nearly 8,000 square meters of open space which you could use for child play space, immunity, et cetera.
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